Last Updated: 12/08/2023 - 12:31

Hero Images

Hero Images are always positioned at the top of the page and allow site builders to add full-width images with text across the top of your home page or landing pages. For the 'Hero' tab, we also provide the ability to enter a video file or have a block of text overlay an image with our Hero Overlay feature.  

We do not allow any size hero image to be uploaded to the site (rather, you can upload it but it will not display) until the correct image dimensions are met.

Sizes for full-width Hero images


  • You don't have to use the Hero Image hero to make hero-like content.  Consider making a blade act as a hero and more options can present itself on how you want to capture your audience the second the page loads.  
  • Large (high resolution) images may cause performance issues and could possibly cause other site errors. If you are uploading your own photos to use for Hero Images, try to only upload photos that have a file size of 1MB or smaller.
  • For easy handling when using one of the 3 tiers for your site's hero images, we highly recommend using our Photoshop Templates on Box.
  • Interested in displaying a video instead? Checkout the Videos documentation.

To learn more about using overlay boxes with background images, visit the Hero Overlay feature.