Last Updated: 01/04/2024 - 16:16

Glossary of Terms

We are excited to announce a new module for all Web Theme sites. This feature helps create a list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions.

example of website using the glossary module

A Web Theme site using the Glossary module.


  1. Enable the module
    glossary module enable screen
  2. Create a Glossary of Terms page: /node/add/ucsb_glossary
    glossary module create example
  3. Click button to “Add new Term"
    glossary module create example
  4. Enter Term & Definition
    glossary module start a new example
  5. Click Create term button
  6. Click Save button to save the page
  7. Create a basic page or display the Glossary into an existing page and insert a View Column > Glossary of Terms > List Display block.
    glossary module create exampleSpecify the nid (node ID) of one of the Glossary pages created above. You can find the Node ID by hovering over the Edit button from the Content Overview page. Enter the NID into the 'Arguments' field.
  8. Click Save button to save the page