Last Updated: 03/19/2021 - 14:09

Content Types

Content Types are how site editors can input original content on a Drupal site. They are a pre-defined collection of data types (Fields) which relate to each other by an informational context. Packaged in the web theme is one primary content type, Basic Page.

Our intention with Basic Page was to provide a content type that could, for a typical campus site, hold enough layout options to successfully display a variety of content, whether it be a Staff page, a Contact Us page, or a landing page for a given Research Topic. 

Also packaged in the web theme is a minimal content type that was created to interact with the front page News grid. This content type is called Article.


To be used for time-sensitive content, like a News or Announcements. If you have Events to feature, we recommend looking at Localist as an option.  As an option B, the Article content type could serve as a way to hold events. 


For the Get started page for an overview of the content types and intended page use.



Create blog posts for a to-be-named blog of your choice. This area could be a good opportunity to connect to an audience in a way that doesn't affect your overall navigation and provides a way to highlight things like happenings, student engagement, or deeper analysis postings. The possibilities are (seemingly).

Some sites by default will display another content type, Blog, for use of a blog-style component to your Web Theme site. If you do not see Blog activated for your site, please visit Extend > UCSB Web > Blog and check the box to enable this feature.  We recommend backing up your site in Pantheon prior to this or trying this in another environment like DEV or TEST to ensure there are no conflict with your production site.  

Steps on how to make a blog post

Custom Content Types

Creating different or custom content types, each for a given purpose can make web site management easier and more user friendly. Styling and themes shared in the Basic Page will need to be extended, either with the help of a module or the modification of twig templates in the codebase. Same goes for the cloning of the form display on the Basic Page content type that helps extend the admin theming on the back end. Each time a new content type is created, the permissions must be set for it.


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Modifying twig templates in the UCSB Web Theme requires the creation of a child theme. Read more about child themes.

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