Last Updated: 03/17/2022 - 16:36

Roles & Permissions

One of the great features of Drupal is the ability to control how and what people can access on your site. You can set permissions for these "users" to define who can do what within every Web Theme site.

For example, you probably won't want casual visitors to edit your homepage. However, the site owner or trusted user should be able to do so. The Roles and Permissions section can also be very granular in that you can limit a user to only be able to change certain content types, or never be able to delete a page, for example. 



There are three roles that can be assigned to users on the Web Theme. The roles are Authenticated User, with the lowest level of editing access, Content Editor, which most editors will be assigned, and Administrator, the highest level of permissions with site-wide access. There can be more than one Administrator but we strongly recommend keeping this number small to avoid, for example, mistakenly deleting a page. We also recommend keeping a regular audit of users and blocking users who are no longer responsible a given site. 



Admins have access to everything that an editor can access plus the ability to update global site settings, delete pages and taxonomy, and additional configuration like analytics and reporting. Admins can also add people to their site as other admins, editors, etc. 

Content Editors

The Editor role can view and edit content. Content in the admin toolbar is where the listing of all pages and media can be located. It is also where new pages are created. Editors also have access to Articles and Blog posts, if the Blog module is activated for your site, as well as managing taxonomy (adding and editing of terms).

add user sample screen


Example People page with Roles and Status.


Admin Panel Access

What does the Admin Panel Toolbar look like for each type of role? The more permissions the role has, the more buttons available for that site editor on the back-end. For each role, permissions differ, and some options will not be available to a particular role. We recommend looking carefully at what each team member who has access to the site will be doing, and consider limiting the areas a team member has access to.  

Read more about adding users on the Web Theme