Changelog #22
Several Drupal Core and contrib modules for D9 are now either deprecated (on their way out) or will be obsolete for the next version, Drupal 10. The latest release, Drupal 9.4, notifies users of those modules and themes and offers up substitutes for the deprecated ones.
Deprecated and obsolete modules
If you haven't done so already, please uninstall the following modules if they are not actively used on your site:
- Aggregator (Core module)
- Color (Core module)
- Webform Location Geocomplete
Additionally, in the Extend section, the following modules are also shown as deprecated :- Webform iCheck
- Webform jQueryUI Buttons
- Webform Toggles
Lastly, if your site uses the Back to Top module, please ensure it works correctly after performing updates. If it doesn't, enable jQuery UI and jQuery UI Effects modules from the Extend page.